Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Getting the details in order

Today I plan to get copies of all important documents, go to the bank to get pesos and put the deposit down on the scuba trips.
- Paid Fanasea Dive 25% deposit by PayPal:  2 Playa dives, 1 cenote, 1 Cozumel + 1 day ruins
- Got pesos from Wells Fargo.  They have a new deal:  if you are going out of the country and plan to use your ATM card, you have to set up a SEPARATE travel account, with a dedicated ATM card, and transfer sufficient $ into that account to access what you need overseas.  This plus also calling the on-line services to let them know you are out of the country and calling the Visa division.  Whew!  at least AMEX states on their web site that you do NOT need to notify them.
- Finally got my email confirmation of airport transfer

And I assembled maps and guidebooks to get oriented.

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